Shop November Birthstone Jewellery | Memara Jewellery


If you are born in November then Citrine is your birthstone, a beautiful, transparent, golden yellow gemstone and a sparkly member of the quartz family. Known for its magnificent shades of gold, Its colour ranges from soft pale yellows to a striking reddish-brown amber.  It is known as the stone of success and thought to bring vitality and positivity to its wearer. Along with our citrine pieces we have chosen some other special pieces that capture the feel and light of this magical month.

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Our necklaces and pendants fall within three lengths. Most designs are adjustable, with extender links that can be used to fasten in multiple positions.


Size guide:

necklace size guide

Size guide

ring size guide
Order a ring sizer


option-1: step 1 Identify the finger for your new ring. option-1: step 2 Find your favourite ring which fits best on this finger. option-1: step 3 Measure the inside diameter of the ring in mm.

Use the ring size guide to compare your measurements and locate your ring size.


option-2: step 1 Identify the finger for your new ring Find a piece of string or a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger. option-1: step 2 Mark where the piece of string or paper meet together with a pen. option-2: step 3 Find a ruler and measure the length.

Use the ring size guide to compare your measurements and locate your ring size.

A few tips when measuring:

  • Measure your ring size when your hands are warm, as your hands can change size as their temperature changes
  • Your fingers are typically at their biggest at the end of the day, so this is the best time to measure your ring size
  • Your fingers can get slightly larger after salt and alcohol – so it’s best not to find your ring size after a night out!
  • get slightly larger after salt and alcohol – so it’s best not to find your ring size after a night out! Your dominant hand often has slightly bigger fingers
  • Purchase the larger ring size if your size is in the middle of two sizes
  • Think about the design of the ring, a thick band will feel tighter than a thin band so you may want to go a whole size up!
  • Remember it will need to fit over your knuckle!